Good Deed #5 – Sweet Notes and Gifts in Library Books

Monster came up with the idea for Good Deed #5, and I am so very proud of him for thinking of it.  He decided to write little notes and make up games and gifts to stick inside of library books for the next child who decides to check them out.

In one book, he inserted a homemade Valentines card in the beginning of the book directing the reader to look at the end of the book for a surprise.

One Part Sunshine Good Deed 5 Leave Notes and Gifts in Library Books

And at the end of the book, he left a one dollar bill!  His idea was for the next child who reads it to use the dollar to buy a Valentine to give to someone else.

One Part Sunshine Good Deed 5 Leave Notes Games and Gifts in Library Books

In another book, he created a mini scavenger hunt with several notes placed throughout the book until the reader came to the end where, once again, he left a dollar bill (this time with a sweet note).

Monster had a great time coming up with fun games for kids to play while they read the books.  And he loved that he could leave money for them too.  I thought it was sweet that he wanted them to use the money to buy something nice for someone else – sort of a pay-it-forward kind of idea.

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